Saturday, July 11, 2009

Whoa... I just got lapped by OLD people!!!

So I'm walking along at what I believe is a pretty good clip, I mean I'm sweating and everything! (I can't muster up the will to "run", but more on that later) So I hear approaching footsteps and I think that I need to move over for the runners coming my way, no biggie. But as they pass me I realize that, not only are they walking, but they are like 80 years old!!! And they just flew by me! This is ridiculous! I'm not even 30 yet!!! How are senior citizen's in better shape than me? Horrifying. 

So, no, I didn't walk or "run" on Friday. Not that I didn't think about it. I did! It's just that there were so much more important things to think about. Like my hair. I had to get my hair cut and colored... I mean, my sparkles were showing, and that's never a good situation for someone with hair as dark as mine. And then there was the potluck to think about... once a month we get together with a certain group of our friends for a potluck. Good times.

Of course, this brings me to why I couldn't muster up the will to "run" today. The potluck last night. We didn't get home until 1am. And I think it may have been a bad plan to drink a six pack last night, given that I needed to "run" today. And NOOO I wasn't hungover... just tired... very, very tired. So I think that going forward, off days are not an excuse to drink excessively or stay up to all hours of the night. 
