Monday, July 6, 2009

Couch to 5K... and I DO mean COUCH!

Ok, so today is the start of my Couch to 5K training. I even signed up to run a 5K, like a good little girl. It's 11 whole entire weeks away, plenty of time to finish the training plan I found online. I have a super cute running outfit, my iPod and my awesome Nike+ shoes to track my progress. This is awesome, I'm totally going to be a kick ass runner chick in no time. No doubt.
So I'm looking at todays training- 15 whole entire minutes of jogging- and I'm thinking to myself that I totally have this in the bag. 15 minutes jogging? That is SO not that big a deal! 


Two minutes in, literally, and I'm sucking wind like there isn't enough oxygen in the universe to keep me from passing out. Why did I think this was a good idea? I start walking along trying to get my breathing under control and I start to realize that I am SO out of shape it's ridiculous. The 5K I signed up for is only 11 weeks away! It's not enough time! I could only go 2 minutes... a 5K is like what, 40? I can't go for 40 minutes... it's the end of the world!!! I finally get my breath back and start to jog again... one minute later I'm spent. I'm walking the rest of the 15 minutes. This sucks. I'm no runner. My idea of a good workout is playing Wii bowling with my husband...

I'm terrified! I seriously can't figure out what the hell I was thinking. And it's too late now... I signed up! I made a commitment! Oy! Well... no turning back now. Maybe tomorrow will be better? Maybe today was just an off day! Yeah, that's it...