Thursday, July 23, 2009

It's been awhile, huh?

It's been awhile since I've posted... hell, it's been awhile since I've run. There were 2 deaths in the family, and with the sheer shock of it and traveling to the funeral I have just had other things on my mind. Oh freaking well. However, today I am back on the program! And holy crap! I ran 4 whole entire blocks without stopping.
Now, my breath was coming in wheezing gasps by the time I stopped, and 4 blocks isn't exactly 3.2 miles... which is where I need to be in order to finish the race I signed up for, but holy crap! 4 blocks!!! When I started this nonsense I could only go for about a block and a half before dropping. So I see this as improvement and signs of better things to come. Now, I'm off for yoga! See... I do do some form of exercise other than my sad attempts at running. And here you thought I was a total lazy bum!