Monday, July 27, 2009

The weather sucks!

So what's a girl to do when it's 7 billion degrees outside? I mean... it's freaking hot! Does running on a treadmill count? The gym has AC. I suppose it's better than nothing... but of course I would then have to get up off the couch, go out into the human melting heat and drive to the gym in order to run, which I suck at. But if I don't keep on the program there is no way that I'm going to be able to run the 5K I signed up for. What's a girl to do?

Thursday, July 23, 2009

It's been awhile, huh?

It's been awhile since I've posted... hell, it's been awhile since I've run. There were 2 deaths in the family, and with the sheer shock of it and traveling to the funeral I have just had other things on my mind. Oh freaking well. However, today I am back on the program! And holy crap! I ran 4 whole entire blocks without stopping.
Now, my breath was coming in wheezing gasps by the time I stopped, and 4 blocks isn't exactly 3.2 miles... which is where I need to be in order to finish the race I signed up for, but holy crap! 4 blocks!!! When I started this nonsense I could only go for about a block and a half before dropping. So I see this as improvement and signs of better things to come. Now, I'm off for yoga! See... I do do some form of exercise other than my sad attempts at running. And here you thought I was a total lazy bum! 

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Whoa... I just got lapped by OLD people!!!

So I'm walking along at what I believe is a pretty good clip, I mean I'm sweating and everything! (I can't muster up the will to "run", but more on that later) So I hear approaching footsteps and I think that I need to move over for the runners coming my way, no biggie. But as they pass me I realize that, not only are they walking, but they are like 80 years old!!! And they just flew by me! This is ridiculous! I'm not even 30 yet!!! How are senior citizen's in better shape than me? Horrifying. 

So, no, I didn't walk or "run" on Friday. Not that I didn't think about it. I did! It's just that there were so much more important things to think about. Like my hair. I had to get my hair cut and colored... I mean, my sparkles were showing, and that's never a good situation for someone with hair as dark as mine. And then there was the potluck to think about... once a month we get together with a certain group of our friends for a potluck. Good times.

Of course, this brings me to why I couldn't muster up the will to "run" today. The potluck last night. We didn't get home until 1am. And I think it may have been a bad plan to drink a six pack last night, given that I needed to "run" today. And NOOO I wasn't hungover... just tired... very, very tired. So I think that going forward, off days are not an excuse to drink excessively or stay up to all hours of the night. 


Thursday, July 9, 2009

Wow... I am so lazy sometimes...

So after the HORRIFIC results of my running debacle on Monday I couldn't work up the motivation to go "run" the 2 miles that this training plan called on for Tuesday. Wednesday was an off day (which I so needed of course) and today was another 15 minute day. 

While it did go better today than it did Monday, it's still so incredibly sad... I did this loop in my neighborhood that is about a mile and half long. It took me half an hour. And of course maybe 5-10 minutes of that was jogging. I will not go so far as to call it running... I'm mean, who am I kidding? I suppose it's good that I got up and actually got out there. 

So apparently Fridays are an off day too, though I think given my apparent complete lack of physical fitness I think I should at the very least go for a walk. Here's hoping I can find the time to get off the couch tomorrow too...

Monday, July 6, 2009

Couch to 5K... and I DO mean COUCH!

Ok, so today is the start of my Couch to 5K training. I even signed up to run a 5K, like a good little girl. It's 11 whole entire weeks away, plenty of time to finish the training plan I found online. I have a super cute running outfit, my iPod and my awesome Nike+ shoes to track my progress. This is awesome, I'm totally going to be a kick ass runner chick in no time. No doubt.
So I'm looking at todays training- 15 whole entire minutes of jogging- and I'm thinking to myself that I totally have this in the bag. 15 minutes jogging? That is SO not that big a deal! 


Two minutes in, literally, and I'm sucking wind like there isn't enough oxygen in the universe to keep me from passing out. Why did I think this was a good idea? I start walking along trying to get my breathing under control and I start to realize that I am SO out of shape it's ridiculous. The 5K I signed up for is only 11 weeks away! It's not enough time! I could only go 2 minutes... a 5K is like what, 40? I can't go for 40 minutes... it's the end of the world!!! I finally get my breath back and start to jog again... one minute later I'm spent. I'm walking the rest of the 15 minutes. This sucks. I'm no runner. My idea of a good workout is playing Wii bowling with my husband...

I'm terrified! I seriously can't figure out what the hell I was thinking. And it's too late now... I signed up! I made a commitment! Oy! Well... no turning back now. Maybe tomorrow will be better? Maybe today was just an off day! Yeah, that's it...