Friday, February 5, 2010
Where does the time go?
I feel like I never post anything anymore. It's been forever! I'm- per the usual- getting back into the groove of running again. I was lucky enough to be able to pick up a treadmill my grandparents were needing to unload, so that makes it easier. Between my moronic work schedule and starting back to school the time is hard to find. And to be honest, I'm not managing it well. I constantly feel like I am running behind. Or that I'm missing something. I rarely get to hang with my friends anymore, and I see my husband for about 2 hours a week. I'm not sure how long I can keep up with this schedule... how do people do this?
Thursday, November 5, 2009
I'm finding it easier to get up and go lately... now, I'm still going really slow mind you, but it's easier to start. Which I suppose is progress. Right? I'm not sure what has happened in the last month. All of a sudden I just really want to get out there and work on getting up to at least jogging my whole 2 mile loop. Maybe it's the realization that I'm going to be 30 in a year. Maybe it's how good it makes me feel to even get out there and walk. Who knows, whatever it is, I like it. It has been really hard for me, historically, to find motivation to get out there so I'm very glad for this sudden burst of it.
And the thing is, it's not just getting out hitting the pavement. I'm making better choices in what I'm eating... making a point to eat more fruits & veggies, and less processed crap. And, I've stopped drinking soda. I haven't had any soda in at least 2 weeks, and I feel SO much better with just that change.
I'm grateful for this mental motivation that has come from no where, and I really hope it sticks around!
Friday, October 30, 2009
My foot hurts
I went out for a "run" today, and hey! I actually did do some jogging! Go figure. But my foot was killing me the whole time... the arch in my left foot, and, quite frankly, it pissed me off. So I jogged- but mostly walked- through the pain, and in a really bad mood. 2.15 miles later with my foot up and I feel fan-freaking-tastic. I guess there's something to be said for pushing through the pain? Who knows. All I know is that I REALLY hope that when I get out there on Sunday my foot doesn't freak out like it did today.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
On the road again...
Today I walked... yes, I know it's not really the point here, but at least I'm being honest... so, I walked 2.08 miles, according to my lovely new iPhone 3Gs (thanks love!), and I've gotta say, that thing is awesome! I hear there is a sport band thing, I'll have to look into that at some point... but I digress... the point I was getting to, before so easily distracted by accessories, is that I got back out there after a 1 month hiatus.
Now, maybe it's because I just turned 29 yesterday (thus the shiny new iPhone) or maybe it's just that I'm not liking the feeling of complete lethargy that has taken over my body, but it felt GOOD... even though it was just a walk. So, my new goal through the end of November is to get in 15 runs (3/week), and try to get my ridiculously slow pace up to (down to?) 15/mile or less- like I said in an earlier post, I get lapped by old people, and yes I know how pathetic that pace is. So what? Yuck it up.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Race For The Cure...

So, it's been awhile. And the Race for the Cure was awhile ago too. I've gotta be the laziest person ever... so, I got totally sidetracked on the training for the 5K- like that was hard to do- you can admit it, you're not shocked. Clearly I did not run. I did however walk the 5K with my team, and it was an awesome experience!
It was so inspiring to be around all of these women who are beating or have beat breast cancer. Seeing the turnout, I think they said 50,000 people was overwhelming to say the least. At one point we all just looked at each other and and started blubbering. Now, I don't know anyone who has had breast cancer, but I know people who know people... you know? And I know how devastating it is for them. And quite frankly, I have boobs and I quite like them! So getting out there, even if not running, was worth it.
Next year I definitely will be running in the Race for the Cure! Now... to get off my fat ass and hit the pavement!
Monday, July 27, 2009
The weather sucks!
So what's a girl to do when it's 7 billion degrees outside? I mean... it's freaking hot! Does running on a treadmill count? The gym has AC. I suppose it's better than nothing... but of course I would then have to get up off the couch, go out into the human melting heat and drive to the gym in order to run, which I suck at. But if I don't keep on the program there is no way that I'm going to be able to run the 5K I signed up for. What's a girl to do?
Thursday, July 23, 2009
It's been awhile, huh?
It's been awhile since I've posted... hell, it's been awhile since I've run. There were 2 deaths in the family, and with the sheer shock of it and traveling to the funeral I have just had other things on my mind. Oh freaking well. However, today I am back on the program! And holy crap! I ran 4 whole entire blocks without stopping.
Now, my breath was coming in wheezing gasps by the time I stopped, and 4 blocks isn't exactly 3.2 miles... which is where I need to be in order to finish the race I signed up for, but holy crap! 4 blocks!!! When I started this nonsense I could only go for about a block and a half before dropping. So I see this as improvement and signs of better things to come. Now, I'm off for yoga! See... I do do some form of exercise other than my sad attempts at running. And here you thought I was a total lazy bum!
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